Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blowing away the Cobwebs

It has been a long time since I last sent an update, and it certainly feels like a long time since I last crafted in silver.

Nephilim has finally found a new home, and I am looking forward to setting up my workbench in the coming weeks! 15 more days of waiting...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year, Happy New Studio

I hope everyone had a good holiday break, wonderful New Years and hopefully will have an even better year to come!
Much has happened since I last posted, including an opportunity (and decision) to move.
I'll be relocating my smithing studio in the weeks to come, so please bear with me during the extended inactivity.

My recent inactivity has been due to study, a handful of job interviews, and of course holiday celebrations.

When I move my studio, I hope to have the opportunity to show how I've set up my workbench, and some of my equipment. I've been itching to set some stones, so i'll be sure to post when I'm set up again to do so.

In the mean time, Happy holidays, and take care!